Published on 26 February 2021
In the modern world, businesses of all sizes are undergoing a digital revolution. Encouraged by the conditions the pandemic has created, the number of employees that are now working remotely has dramatically increased. This means IT systems are experiencing a demand like never before.
Having a High-quality IT infrastructure in place helps to streamline processes, improve customer satisfaction, and save money if it’s utilised correctly. While installing a modern IT system that can take on aspects such as hardware and software support, antivirus software and security may seem daunting there are now many management companies out there who can take control of the day-to-day running of your IT system. This can allow your in-house IT department to concentrate on areas of the business such as process control or you could outsource all of your IT operations.
Focusing on the pandemic, IT management companies have become increasingly popular. Almost overnight the world switched to remote working and employees required laptops with internal systems, internet access, and hardware such as webcams. Managed IT can quickly provide all of the relevant equipment with the correct software installed to ensure a smooth transition.
With this transition to home working, additional demands are placed on things such as security. As well as managing anti-virus systems, a managed IT company will be able to do other things to keep your company safe, including running workshops that make employees aware of cyberattacks, such as phishing attacks, and give them instructions on how to report such things, or what to do if they feel their account has been compromised.
There are several excellent advantages to hiring a IT management company to run your managed IT services, chief among them being cost. Rather than an unpredictable bill for your IT department a management company will cost a single flat rate and will take on all the issues you both agree to when you sign your service level agreement (SLA). The company will keep your systems modern and up to date with the newest software versions to prevent any security issues (which the “wannacry” attack of 2017 showed can cause huge disruption to systems running old software) and their expertise when issues do arise will be invaluable.
All in all, managed IT services deliver secure data control, software solutions, and much, much more. At Bluebell, our managed IT services are designed to meet the individual and specific needs of your company. Our team of expert IT technicians delivers a bespoke managed IT service based on helping your business achieve its goals and objectives.
The world of business is being transformed by technology, but it changes fast and it is a complex industry to understand. Therefore, most companies today will be wanting and looking to streamline their IT operations and turn to managed IT services. To find out more of what Bluebell can offer you and our Managed IT services, get in contact with us today.
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